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Samuel Willenberg exhibition album is now available. Find out more and order

A hero of two nations

Samuel Willenberg: Polish-Israeli artist, volunteer in the war of 1939, prisoner and participant in the revolt in Treblinka, participant in the Warsaw Uprising. He was a man affected by the people of Russia, Germany, and Poland. But he has never born a grudge, nor focused on the harm and suffering, but he was clamouring for the truth. Until the end of his life, Samuel kept his sense of humour, serenity, a sober mind and a willingness to talk to anyone and on any topic.


Samuel Willenberg told his story in many ways. He wrote the memoirs. He created a series of sculptures showing images and situations that he remembered from Treblinka. Furthermore, he was coming to Poland to share his experience with Polish and Israeli youth. While working on the exhibition, we wanted to keep the story alive as much as possible. That is why we made extensive use of his memoirs, Revolt in Treblinka, the interviews and also with our conversations with Ada Willenberg, widow of him. She was always a support for him.

Ada-Krystyna Willenberg, żona Samuela Willenberga, Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska oraz Małgorzata Łukasiewicz Traczyńska

Vernisage at the Seym of Poland


On 6 October 2022, the opening of an exhibition organised by the Good Ground Foundation Samuel Willenberg - Hero of Two Nations took place at the Swym of Poland in Warsaw.


The opening of the exhibition was attended primarily by Mrs Ada-Krystyna Willenberg, Samuel Willenberg's wife with her family, daughter Orit, son-in-law, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, as well as the hosts of the Sejm - Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska, Minister Jarosław Sellin, the Israeli Ambassador to Poland Dr Yacov Livne, the Chief Rabbi of Poland Michael Schudrich, and representatives of parliamentary clubs. The opening brought together a large group of friends of Samuel and Ada Willenberg.


After the vernissage, courtesy of the Polish Seym, we were able to show excerpts from the film Train on Sand, by Israeli director Sarahle Chai, and meet a group of people who knew Samuel or wanted to get to know him better.


Exhibition venues


In October 2022, the exhibition was open to the public in the Column Hall at the Faculty of History at the University of Warsaw, and in early 2023 in Częstochowa, thanks to the cooperation with the Częstochowa Museum and the TSKŻ (Częstochowa).


We are working on making it available to the public in various places in Poland. We will inform you of the details on the website and on Facebook

Album Samuel Willenberg - Bohater dwóch narodów


The September campaign, the ghetto, Treblinka, the Warsaw Uprising - in one extraordinary biography. The album "Samuel Willenberg - Bohater Dwóch Narodów" tells the complex story of Polish and Jewish fate during the Second World War through the prism of the extraordinary figure of Samuel Willenberg (1923-2016).


A soldier in the Polish Army in September 1939, a participant in the revolt at Treblinka, he fought in the Warsaw Uprising. He survived the Holocaust and dedicated his life to preserving the memory of the horrors of the Treblinka death camp, while at the same time building mutual understanding between Poles and Jews.


This bilingual book speaks of the timeless power of art, of hope, of the strength of family ties, of the importance of testimony. About Willenberg's legacy, which is a triumph of the human spirit.

The album is in English and Polish.


Thanks to the album, the message of the exhibition Samuel Willenberg - Hero of Two Nations can reach people all over the world. We invite you to buy the album! For international shipping, please contact us via e-mail at

Album Samuel Willenberg - Bohater dwóch narodów

Stock: available

Shipping: 2-3 business days

Price: 70,00 zł

Shipping: InPost, Kurier DPD

Shipping to PL: from 15,73 zł

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Exhibition opening hours at the Faculty of History

Exhibition from 17 to 28 October 2022 in the Column Hall at the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw is open to visitors on weekdays at selected times. Admission is free.


Opening hours

środa, 19 października

8:00 - 20:00

czwartek, 20 października


piątek, 21 października

11:00 - 20:00

sobota - niedziela


poniedziałek, 24 października

17:00 - 20:00

wtorek, 25 października

8:00 - 9:30 oraz 15:00 - 17:30

środa, 26 października

8:00 - 15:00

czwartek, 27 października

8:00 - 20:00

piątek, 28 października

8:00 - 20:00

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